Mass customization of education by an institution of HE: What can we learn from industry?


Mass customization
personalized learning

How to Cite

Schuwer, R., Smith, J., White, B., Price, T., Jackson, R., & Brock, T. (2018). Mass customization of education by an institution of HE: What can we learn from industry?. Health Sciences: An OJS Theme Demo, 1(1). Retrieved from


One of the claims the OER movement makes is that availability of (open) digital learning materials improves the quality of education. The promise is the ability to offer educational programs that take into account specific demands of the learner. The question is how to reach a situation where a customized demand can be met using OER with acceptable quality against acceptable costs. This situation resembles mass customization as is common in industry for several decades now. Techniques from an industry where an end product is assembled with the demands of the customer as a starting point can be translated to the field of education where courses and learning paths through a curriculum are assembled using a mixture of open and closed learning materials and learning services offered by an institution. Advanced IT support for both the modeling of the learning materials and services and a configurator to be used by a learner are necessary conditions for this approach.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Robert Schuwer, Jane Smith, Bill White, Tina Price, Rhonda Jackson, Terry Brock