The Missing Piece: A Review of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Archaeology in Southern Karnataka


  • Akash Srinivas IISER Mohali


Southern Karnataka, the region composing of the erstwhile kingdom of Mysore, and occupying the Mysore Plateau at the heart of the Indian peninsula, falls in between regions which have been subjected to extensive prehistoric research. Research in the Hunsgi and Baichbal basins, and the Ghataprabha. Malaprabha and Kaladgi basins to the north, the Kurnool and Chittoor regions to the east, and the Kortallaiyar basin to the south, has resulted in the establishment of a firm stratigraphy, and at some sites, of a chronology, as also new information on hominin behaviour, all of which are lacking in this area. This paper seeks to outline the current state of Palaeolithic investigations in this region, pertaining to the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic phases, something which is found wanting, and in turn, it aims to double-up as a foundation and spring board, off which more detailed, multi-disciplinary studies in this region can be undertaken.


