Equipo editorial

Editor in Chief - Mamdooh A. Abdelmottlep, PhD, SJD

Dr. Mamdooh Abdelmottlep ...

Managing Editor - Keeley Townsend, MA, MBA

Keeley Townsend is an independent researcher, freelance writer, and former analyst for the New York City Fire Department and the US Department of Homeland Security. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Geography, a Master of Arts in Urban Affairs and Public Policy, and a Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management. Her published works have addressed intelligence operations, disaster mitigation, extremism, and climate migration.

Associate Editors

John P. Sullivan, PhD

Dr. John P. Sullivan is an honorably retired lieutenant with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, specializing in emergency operations, transit policing, counterterrorism, and intelligence. He is currently an instructor in the Safe Communities Institute at the Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California. He holds a bachelor’s in Government from the College of William and Mary, a master’s in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from the New School for Social Research, and a PhD from the Open University of Catalonia.

Barbara Spooner, MBE

Barbara Spooner ...

Editorial Board