À propos de cette revue

The Journal of Swine Health & Production (JSHAP) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) since 1993. The aim of the journal is the timely publication of peer-reviewed papers with a scope that encompasses the many domains of applied swine health and production, including the diagnosis, treatment, management, prevention and eradication of swine diseases, welfare & behavior, nutrition, public health, epidemiology, food safety, biosecurity, pharmaceuticals, antimicrobial use and resistance, reproduction, growth, systems flow, economics, and facility design.

The journal provides a platform for researchers, veterinary practitioners, academics, and students to share their work with an international audience. The  journal publishes information that contains an applied and practical focus and presents scientific information that is accessible to the busy veterinary practitioner as well as to the research and academic communities. Hence, manuscripts with an applied focus are considered for publication, and the journal publishes original research, brief communications, case reports/series, literature reviews, commentaries, diagnostic notes, production tools, and practice tips. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Swine Health & Production are peer-reviewed. 


Numéro courant

Vol. 31 No. 01 (2023)
Cover image Volume 31 issue 1 2023
Publié-e: 2023-05-27

Original research

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